Archive for October, 2023

Las Vegas Vacations For the Non-Gambler

Millions of folks head to Las Vegas, Nevada each year for vacation – and a good number of them are going for one thing – to gamble. But gambling is not for everyone – and if you don’t have the gambling itch, you may wonder if this major U.S. tourist draw has anything else to […]

You Can Still Be a Social Gambler Online

For me, one of the great things about the casino is that that’s where all my friends are. I know they might be sick gamblers and not the best influence on my moral hygiene but they are some of the most interesting and honest people I know. They are the people I share my highs […]

So You Want to Be a Professional Blackjack Gambler? Why, You Already Are One!

Why did I say in the title that you already are a blackjack professional gambler? Think about it. If you can differentiate a blackjack professional gambler and player, then do not continue to read on. You have understood my intentions. Let me tell you a recent real life scenario… I was hanging out with the […]

Are You an Investor, a Speculator or a Gambler?

What exactly is an Investor, a Speculator or a Gambler in the context of the Stock Exchange Market or for that matter, any markets? The Public as well as the Media have often loosely and interchangeably used these three terms. Comparisons are often made between their activities, but the terms are never explicitly defined. You […]